The walletless future is closer than ever

2022-10-09 12:42:40 By : Ms. Sophia Feng

On a recent trip to Seattle, I learned how tantalizingly close we are to being able to ditch our wallets.

Over two days, I managed to take two flights, check into a hotel room and pay for meals — all from my phone. Everything worked, but there were some asterisks involved.

Why it matters: We all forget our wallets some times, and many of us would like to leave them behind permanently, if possible.

How it happened: I thought I left my wallet at home. I realized this only after passing through airport security — otherwise I probably would have rushed home to get it.

The big question mark was my hotel. But I was staying at a Hilton, which offers the ability to use your phone as a key — and, just as important in this context, to skip the usual check-in process requiring a driver's license and credit card.

The big picture: While my experience relied on my Clear account and being a frequent hotel-goer, there are developments on the way that will make this document-free experience possible for far more people.

Yes, but: Many of these conveniences come at the expense of sharing even more data — including highly personal biometrics — with third parties.

Be smart: If you want to go walletless, or even just be better prepared for the day you forget yours, some prep work can help.