Tools & Toys: PhoneSoap 3 and Minder Portable Folding Bluetooth Keyboard

2022-09-25 01:49:54 By : Ms. winnie yu

What's to love: Water and electronics aren't usually a good mix. Here's a liquid-free way to clean germs and bacteria from phones, keys, earphones and remote controls in just 10 minutes.

What does it do: Place the item in the device. A type of ultra violet light that kills the DNA of bacteria, UV-C, surrounds the items killing 99.9% of germs. The interior of PhoneSoap 3 is 6.8 inches by 3.74 inches and .78 inches deep allowing the device to clean a variety of items. There is a USB port allowing for charging a phone and sanitizing it at the same time. Acoustical outlets also allow the user to hear any phone notifications or alarms while the phone is inside the sanitizer. PhoneSoap 3 sells for $79.95. For more information visit

What's to love: A wireless keyboard that folds from a regular size keyboard into 4.2-by-7.2 inches making it easy to tuck into a bag or backpack.

What does it do: They keyboard allows a Bluetooth connection to three devices at the same time making it easy to switch from phone, laptop to tablet. And a touchpad on the right side of the keyboard takes the place of a mouse. Once charged, the keyboard's battery will last through 40 working hours, says the company. The keyboard, made of solid aluminum frame and hinges, comes in black, which lists for $49.99, and silver, which lists for $39.99. Visit for more information.

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